DreamLynx was born out of the ashes of a dream group that had been in existence for two years and suddenly stopped without closure but continued with the good intent of rejoining at some later time. The group was an excellent forum for learning, sharing and moving through issues and all involved grew, with their waking and dreaming lives.
From the void created through the absence of this intentional community of dreamers, came the spark of expanding ourselves and others through service to a larger group. The Internet presented itself as a natural medium for this expression. And so DreamLynx was born kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

The resistance from ourselves and others has been thicker than the Berlin Wall. "You don't even know these people.", "It will be an exercise in projection", "Waste of time" "All you will get are made up dreams", "Technology and dreams don't mix". Swimming down that stream left us all dry on the banks. So we got a PPP account, bought some books on HTML, PageMill software and cloistered ourselves for a month or so, until here we are, DreamLynx.


Welcome to DreamLynx.

This site is an open forum for those interested in dreams and dreaming. We're dedicated to an open exchange of thoughts, feelings and ideas and we mean this site to be interesting, fun and intellectually provocative.

In DreamLynx you can read the dreams of others, offer translations of another's dream, and submit your own dreams for translation. Translations are differrent than Interpretations of dreams. When you translate a dream, you are projecting from your own life experience what this dream would mean if it were your own.

You will notice that many of the Dream Translations submitted begin with the phrase "If this were my dream" or something similar. The concept behind DreamLynx is to give the dreamer a fresh and new perspective of their dream, not to "Interpret" it for them. You MAY think you know what a particular dream means, but chances are, if someone were to read your interpretation, they would find out more about you, than about the dreamer whose dream you analyzed.

So ,the main focus at DreamLynx is to provide a medium where dreamers can receive a fresh look from your eyes and from your perspective. Since the translators that look at your dream have different backgrounds educationally, socially, and culturally in this global union, I can assure you a very diverse translation of your dream. Children to Seniors read these dreams and submit translations which will provide you with perspectives that developmentally you may have forgotten, or are yet to experience.

If you're interested in reading posted dreams and their various translations, or in posting your own translations, then click on Journal. Pick a dream, read it and submit a translation starting with the phrase, "If this were my dream" or something similar so the dreamer will remember that what they are reading is just your perspective and not THE BIG ANSWER. Include your e-mail address so they can contact you for more clarification or just to chat.

To get right in and post your own dreams, click on the Dreams section.

If you'd like to learn about techniques that can help you remember your dreams, check out the descriptions below in the Sources section for a brief explanation before clicking over there.
Sources is also the section to consult for theories on dreaming.

Whether posting a dream or offering an translation, you're welcome to use a penname.

This is truly a group approach and the process is ever changing. We have the following groups that work and play with the dreams submitted:


* Newbies Group- Dreamers of the Internet that are new to dream translation and are assigned a Mentor to help them with the journey.

* DreamTeam- Dedicated dreamers that meet once a month to translate dreams submitted.

* Internet Translators- Internet community of dreamers that see a dream that speaks to them and they respond and work on dreams on a continual basis.

* DreaMailers - Dreamers of the Internet that receive one dream a month and respond to only that dream.. The then receive from DreamLynx a copy of all the different translations that have been submitted by the DreaMailers to that particular dream. These responses eventually work their way to the Journal Section of DreamLynx.

* Artists - Artists that read a dream and create a rendering of the images they receive. The picture is then uploaded and put with the dream in the Journal Section of DreamLynx. We even get dreams translated into comics sometimes !!!

* Stumpers - These dreamers get the "no clue" and "huh?" dreams to work that nobody can figure out. We E-mail these dreams out to the Stumpers after all else fails. Many times these dreamers are featured in the Guest Section of DreamLynx.

DreamLynx Sections

This is the heart of DreamLynx. Here you can enter your dream, of any length, and receive a translation Below the dream entry window is an area for personal information such as a pen name and the priority you assign to have your dream translated. In addition you'll find check-boxes to generally categorize your dream. Choices include the type of dream, the subject of the dream, and the kind of feelings it evokes.

On this page you'll find background information and usually a nice little photo from the current guest dream-translator. If you're interested in guesting at DreamLynx, email Beck Hutchinson.

This page is like the directory of a DreamLynx library with a growing number of volumes. Right now it's a secondary source for storage and reference. Here you can place a dream that fits one of the categories such as lucid dreaming, precognitive dreaming and dreams figured with angels. In the future we hope to build this out as a larger database. If you have a dream that fits one of the current categories then go ahead and submit it here as well as at the Dreams page. Check it out.

Information central. This is the page to turn to if you'd like to receive information on subjects related to dreams and the dreamer. You'll find a form you can fill in for further information in the form of journals, books, traditional seminars, and online seminars. This is a good place to find resources and to get hooked up with a larger dreaming community.

This is the place to start if you want to pick-up techniques to recall your dreams, or to compare the dream theories of Freud and Jung. Specifically, the sub-headings refer to:


covering in outline form the interpretive philosophies of Freud, Jung, Gestalt and Cayce.


for interpreting dreams. These include: symbol substitution, amplification, rescripting, plot analysis, art, and asking questions.


is a section that details specific tips and techniques that can help you remember, or better remember your dreams.
Sections include: attitudes, waking techniques, and pre- and post sleep techniques.


This section is under construction while we figure what to put in it.