Asking Questions
The process of objectifying the dream deals with looking at the dream the way that a critic would critique a play. Questions that individuals would ask themselves are:
- 1. What are you doing in the dream?
- 2. What are the major contrasts and similarities in the dream and how do they relate?
- 3. What are the major symbols and relationships between these symbols?
- 4. What sequences are present in the dream?
- 5. What are the issues, conflicts and unresolved situations in the dream?
- 6. What relationship does this dream or the symbols in the dream, have to do with any other dream?
There are a number of questions that an individual should ask concerning dreams. By asking questions the individual is led to new understandings about their dreams and themselves.
- 1. How am I acting in the dream?
- 2. What symbols in this dream are important to me?
- 3. What are the different feelings in this dream?
- 4. What are the major actions in this dream?
- 5. Who or what is the adversary in this dream?
- 6. What is helping in this dream?
- 7. What would I like to avoid in this dream?
- 8. What actions might this dream be suggesting?
- 9. What does this dream want from me?
- 10. Why did I need this dream?
An effective technique for understanding dream is Dialoging. Through active listening and questioning dream images, the individual can gain an understanding of the issues contained within the dream.
- 1. What or who are you?
- 2. Why are you in my dream?
- 3. Why are you acting the way you are in my dream?
- 4. What do you have to tell me?
- 5. What do you want me to do?
- 6. What are you giving me?
- 7. What questions are you asking of me?
Once you have dialogued with your dream images ask yourself the following questions:
- 1. What insights have you gained?
- 2. What is the character of your dream image?
- 3. What is the message you have received?
- 4. What choices can you now make because of your dialogue?
- 5. What tasks can you do in waking reality to actualize the dreams content?
- 6. What further questions arise?
- 7. How does the dialogue affect you emotionally?
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