3 Dimensional Messy Art


Remember the water color sets you used in elementary school? Go buy one at the dollar store (for a dollar duh) take it home, open it up, and it should have a brush in it. Find a sheet of paper, you can sketch in pencil your idea for the painting or just start on the paper with the paint. If your dream is to be mystical add a little water to the surface before you begin adding paint to the paper. If the colors blend together let them alone. If they go into a wrong spot soak them up with a paper towel.

PLASTICINE CLAY [ oil base, will not dry out]


This clay is great, and comes in colors. The colors can be mixed to achieve different effects. Textures can also enhance the final sculpture, use tooth picks, or paper clips to cut or add details to the surfaces. Dolt work to large and keep adding to the sculpture after you have studied , and rethought the dream.



Remember that great smell of a freshly opened can. The smooth soft pliable material that can be shaped and reshaped into the perfect form ! Yes you can mix the colors, Yes you can get a little detail, smooch the different pieces together and let them dry. This material gives a great surrealistic sculpture, wild colors and even has some wonderful toys to help in your creativity.

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