Dream Title: TREES
I am alone in the forest. I am sleep and think that I wake up. I open my eyes and the trees have turned to people.
Dream Title: Carrot Girl
I am walking in the supermarket and I held up a carrot. It started to look back at me and I realized that it was me.
There are thousands of different pencils and pens to choose from. What ever you feel comfortable with is the perfect tool to use. Paper also has endless possibilities, old gift wrap , typing paper, or even a napkin is perfect if it makes you feel like drawing. Draw small or large, light or dark, look at objects to draw from or use your memory to recall the exact shape. Hang you work on the refrigerator and keep adding details as you study your work. Paul Klee, Dali, and Magrette worked with dream like imagery and might be great references for you to check out on the subject of personal expression.
Dream Title: Pillows
Upon entering the room, the wall were green and the floor was filled with red pillows. As I brush against the pillow the fringe grabbed my leg. I could not move.
Remember opening a new box of crayons? The bouquet, the sharp tips, 16, 32, or maybe even the 64 pack with the built-in sharpener ! Buy a box . This time you get to put the lines anywhere you want. This time you can mix any colors together, or over each other to get the feeling of that dream. If you can't draw people pick a small section of that dream and just set the scene with your waxy tool. Maybe start with construction paper in a color instead of a white background. If you sharpen the crayons save the savings and rub them into the background to help with the visual impact.
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