Upon entering the room, the wall were green and the floor was filled with red pillows. As I brush against the pillow the fringe grabbed my leg. I could not move.
Remember the water color sets you used in elementary school? Go buy one at the dollar store (for a dollar duh) take it home, open it up, and it should have a brush in it. Find a sheet of paper, you can sketch in pencil your idea for the painting or just start on the paper with the paint. If your dream is to be mystical add a little water to the surface before you begin adding paint to the paper. If the colors blend together let them alone. If they go into a wrong spot soak them up with a paper towel.
I am walking along the beach and I wish that I had more time off to watch the sunset
With these kind of messy dusty tools you will need to work a little larger. They are hard to sharpen but what they lack in control they make up for in COLOR. White or colored backgrounds like construction paper can be used and layer after layer on dust can be applied until you get the exact effect of your dream.
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